One of the nice things about having your own blog is that you get to warn others about companies to avoid. One such company is Blooms Today.
We ordered flowers from Blooms Today quite some time ago and recently they have taken to sending me “checks” in the mail. These are checks for about six dollars and change. There’s a catch, obviously. If you cash the check then you’re agreeing to sign up for some kind of expensive recurring service, for which they will take the liberty of charging your credit card almost $200.
The mailing looks like a check you might receive from your employer or maybe even as a tax refund. It’s one of those tear-across-the-sides-and-top type of envelopes.
It’s a shame that companies have to stoop to the level of baiting you with dishonest sleaze-ball tactics such as this. Instead of interesting me in future business, they have only served to ensure I will not only never order anything from them again, but also warn others about their shady business practices. If I feel particularly ornery, I might even just send it along to my state Attorney General.
Beware and be safe!